Hard-edged shapes, monochrome color studies, and a focus on process and form rather than movement are the hallmarks of the paintings in the latest virtual exhibit from Arts Access.

Out Like a Lamb is the second half of our two-part exhibition to celebrate the arrival of spring. Inspired by the proverb, “In like a lion, out like a lamb,” these exhibitions will explore a variety of works that embody the unique characteristics of the transitional weather during springtime.
The subtleties in paintings by artists such as Nancy Soto, Luis Rodriguez, and Philip Fisher are both meditative and fascinating, and provoke the viewer to pause and reflect on their simplicity. Just like the end of spring, this exhibit offers a moment of solace and calm after the storm.
The virtual gallery for the Out Like a Lamb exhibit will go live April 19 and will run for 6 weeks, until May 31. More details coming soon.
See these works and more in Out Like a Lamb: