ADA Compliance
Arts Access is dedicated to serving people with disabilities. We are committed to providing an inclusive setting for all who work in and visit the Robert Schonhorn Arts Center. Arts Access meets the compliance requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Should you have request for ADA accommodations, please do so in 2 weeks in advance to ensure of high quality of service. Contact or click here for more information. The following services are available:
Large Print Materials
Large print materials are available upon prior request.
Assisted Listening Devices
Infrared assisted listening devices are available upon prior request.
Wheelchair Accessible
The Robert Schonhorn Arts Center, where Arts Access is located, and all other buildings at the Matheny Medical & Educational Center are wheelchair accessible.
Accessible Bathrooms
Wheelchair accessible bathrooms are available throughout all of the buildings on site.
CART services
Communications Access Realtime Translation (CART) services are available upon prior request.
Accessible Website
Click the accessibility icon on the upper left side of your screen to make this website suit your needs.