And your most memorable poetry performance is…

#ArtsAccess30th poll results

#Top3 Poetry from Arts Access; 1st Place: "Life is Like" by Tony LaFond; 2nd Place: "Think About It" by Raven Bennett; 3rd Place: "Hidden People" by Jenny Durr; 4th Place: "The Inner Beauty..." by Isabell Villacis; 5th Place: "What New Years Means to Me" by Tammy Heppner; 6th Place: "How to Make Pizza" by Jess Evans.

To celebrate our 30th Anniversary, we asked you what your #Top3 most memorable poetry performances were from Arts Access. The results are in and the winner is…Life is Like by Tony LaFond! Followed closely by Think About It by Raven Bennett in second place, and Hidden People by Jenny Durr in third place!

The votes for this round all came in pretty close! Just a single vote was between each of the top 3 choices.

And that was our final #ArtsAccess30th poll question! Thank you for helping us celebrate this momentous anniversary. And check back tomorrow for another blog post with a summary of all of the results!

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