And your most memorable painting exhibits are…

#ArtsAccess30th poll results

Poll results of Top 3 Exhibits in celebration of Arts Access 30th Anniversary.

To celebrate our 30th Anniversary, we asked you what your #Top3 most memorable painting exhibits were from Arts Access. The results are in and the winner is…The Art of Choice at Sotheby’s! Followed by the ABC Headquarters Exhibit in second place, with Reflections at Grounds For Sculpture and Winter Blues Virtual Exhibit tied for third!

We were thrilled to learn about which painting exhibits stood out the most to you and it was so exciting to see the votes come in! There was definitely a clear winner this time, with a clear margin!

Stay tuned for our next #ArtsAccess30th poll question, coming soon! We’ll give you a hint: this next category might bring everything full circle. Connect with us on social media or through email to participate in the poll.

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