And your most memorable drama performance is…

#ArtsAccess30th poll results

#Top3 Drama from Arts Access; 1st Place: "Words from a Fish Tank" by Cheryl Chapin; Tied for 2nd Place: "Aliens Go to Earth" by Chet Cheesman, "The Wedding Objector" by Paul Santo, and "Monsters Go Away" by Amy Myers.

To celebrate our 30th Anniversary, we asked you what your #Top3 most memorable drama performances were from Arts Access. The results are in and the winner is…Words from a Fish Tank by Cheryl Chapin! Followed by an astounding 3-way tie for second place between Aliens Go to Earth by Chet Cheesman, The Wedding Objector by Paul Santo, and The Monsters Go Away by Amy Myers!

We were fascinated seeing the results come in for this poll. We thought we had tight races before, but this one sure did defy our expectations!

Stay tuned for our next (and final) #ArtsAccess30th poll question, coming soon! We’ll give you a hint: this next category is a poetic way to end the year. Connect with us on social media or through email to participate in the poll.

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