Amy Myers artist photo

Amy Myers

Amy is a diligent and meticulous artist. Her work, which includes digital art, drama, dance, and writing, frequently represents her dreams or are reflections on personal experiences. Amy has stated that her artwork is the best way for her to show people what is in her head. Her acrylic paintings tend to feature overlapping brushstrokes, as she prefers to cover the entire canvas.

Amy’s digital art typically consists of a limited palette, featuring just 1 to 4 colors. Her paintings feature overlapping brushstrokes, with a few different types of brushes or media that the digital painting program can manipulate. Amy likes to apply the brushstrokes herself using a Wacom tablet screen and stylus. She will generally have the facilitator reposition the canvas on the Wacom screen so she can access the areas needed to make sure they are filled with the colors she chooses.

When it comes to naming her art, Amy frequently uses the words “Dream” or “Mixed Up” in the titles, such as “Amy’s Happy Dream,” “Mixed Up and Bad Dreams,” or “Amy’s Dream.” These themes and motifs are also seen in Amy’s drama and writing projects.

In the summer of 2019, Amy participated in a special collaboration with RVCC, in which she and fellow Arts Access artist, Paul Santo, studied theatre production at Raritan Valley Community College. The course was a great learning experience, in which Amy and Paul learned and practiced new techniques alongside other theatre students. The course culminated in an intimate performance by the entire class. Just a couple months later, Amy was able to put those new skills to work when her play “The Monsters Go Away” was selected to be part of the Full Circle 2019 stage show.

Amy has said that she loves to paint because “it’s very relaxing to me,” and that Arts Access is special to her because, “it lets me be Amy.”

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