The Arts Access Program at Matheny Medical & Educational Center is designed to inspire, uplift and encourage the aspirations of artists with disabilities. In an effort to provide access to the same disciplines available to able-bodied artists, Arts Access offers courses in the visual, literary and performing arts. Using systems and techniques specifically designed for each discipline, clients can create pieces of work that are distinctly their own. On a daily basis, Arts Access fosters an environment of artistic creativity among the participating clients. The program improves the quality of life for the client artists and those around them. In addition, Arts Access programming aids in changing the perception about the capabilities and talents of people with developmental disabilities.

Artist Jessica Evans performing her on stage at the Robert Schonhorn Arts Center.


Clients will work with a professional dance facilitator and able-bodied dancers to create and perform their own choreography. Working with innovative communication systems that allow clients to choose from an advanced repertoire of dance movements, clients are able to create beautiful works of dance that are uniquely their own…

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Artist Cynthia Shanks performing on stage in the Robert Schonhorn Arts Center.

Creative Movement

This is a group based enrichment program that allows clients to enjoy the experience of dance without having to create their own work first. Clients are exposed to a range of historical dance forms as well as different types of movement. Whether they are replicating ice skating…

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Robert Schonhorn main gallery featuring the creative writing on four windows by artists Cheryl Chapin, Dion Alston, Faith Stolz and Jenny Durr.

Creative Writing

Using innovative systems, clients of all communication styles are able to participate and express themselves through the written word. Clients can employ speech, augmented communication devices, or pictogram communication to express their ideas and thoughts through poetry, journaling, novel writing, or word art. Prerequisites: clear and consistent…

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Artist Michael Cornelly performing on stage in the Robert Schonhorn Arts Center.


The drama program takes the most basic elements of theater (Character, Movement, Dialogue, and Setting) and presents them as tools for clients to use in order to create their own dramatic work. These tools can be used to direct, act, or write their work, depending on what role…

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Artist Alex Stojko engaged in Digital Art Painting and Sculpture in the art studio at the Robert Schonhorn Arts Center.

Digital Art: Painting/Sculpture

Digital Art utilizes the latest advancements in computer technology as a tool for art creation. Artists are given the choice within this program to work in either Digital Painting or Digital Sculpture. Clients have the opportunity to use several types of input methods ranging from touch…

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Artist engaged in Traditional Painting with Facilitator Joseph Matousek in the art studio at the Robert Schonhorn Arts Center.

Traditional Painting

Using traditional techniques combined with innovative communication systems, client artists are able to freely express themselves with paint and brush regardless of physical limitations. Working one-on-one with a professional painting facilitator the clients direct every stroke of the painting, making it a unique vision that is truly…

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