NJMS Collaborative ARTS Exhibit 2020

10th annual collaborative exhibition with Rutgers University, Matheny Arts Access, and JSDD’s WAE Center


Welcome to the 10th annual Rutgers NJMS Collaborative ARTS Exhibit, featuring work by artists from Matheny Arts Access and JSDD’s WAE Center. Both programs are dedicated to enabling individuals with disabilities to create fine art. The artistic process is an undeniable source of empowerment for people with disabilities, and the work exhibited here is a testament to the success of each of these programs.

This annual exhibition is one that is highly anticipated each year by our artists and staff. Knowing that this year marked the 10th anniversary of this special collaboration, we were all the more excited to celebrate this year’s exhibit. However, when COVID-19 and #StayAtHome orders started to change our day-to-day lives, we knew that the Collaborative ARTS Exhibit would not be quite as we envisioned it this year. Refusing to let this momentous anniversary pass by, we found ways to adapt the exhibition for a virtual space.

In order to safely celebrate the incredible achievements and talents of the Arts Access and WAE Center artists, this year we are holding a virtual artists reception, via Zoom, on August 24 at 6:00 pm. This FREE event provides the opportunity to hear from the artists, themselves, as they share their thoughts on art, the creative process, and showing their work at the annual Collaborative ARTS Exhibit at Rutgers NJMS. Click here to learn more about the virtual reception and register for the event.

We are proud to present to you the Virtual Rutgers NJMS Collaborative ARTS Exhibit 2020. Please click on the virtual gallery below to explore this year’s exhibition.

If you are interested in purchasing an artwork from Arts Access, you may utilize the Buy link in the virtual gallery or email: arianne@artsaccessprogram.org/staging

If you are interested in purchasing an artwork from the WAE Center, you may utilize the Enquire link in the virtual gallery or email: monica@waecenter.org