Virtual Facilitation

Visual Arts Coordinator Andrew Edge working virtually with artist Mike Martin.

Creating Art from Afar

“During this difficult time, my artwork is still coming to life.” – Isabell Villacis

Nothing stops the creativity of the Arts Access artists! Not even months of quarantine and social distancing. Over the past few months, Arts Access has adapted the facilitation process in order to continue serving our artists from the comfort and safety of their own homes.

David and Heather have fun dancing in this virtual Creative Movement session.

Yasin tells us “it has been quite an experience and took some getting used to but it’s all good.”

Our facilitators set up either alone in the painting studio or at home and connect with the Matheny clients over Zoom. Facilitators share their screen or hold up choices to the webcam to ensure the artists can clearly see what’s being worked on.

Andrew holds up Mike’s current painting so Mike can see it through the iPad camera.

So far, Matheny clients have resumed traditional painting, choreography, creative movement, and writing.

Isabell tells us how excited she is to still be “creating artwork pieces and enjoying myself. [I’m] definitely doing what I really love to do every single day of my life.” She adds, “nothing will stop me from bringing out the finest [version] of me as an artist.”

We are so excited to see the Matheny artists hard at work creating incredible artwork once again!

Josh discusses plans for a dance he is working on with Heather in this virtual Choreography session.

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