“These artists are talented…it amazes me to think of the “bottled magic” they possess. It’s great that Matheny helps them express it on the canvas.”
Tim Peters
Full Circle attendee
“I wish I could put into words how moved I am at every event. Arts Access puts a 'face' to the concepts of love, respect and humanity.”
Barbara Winson Riedel
Full Circle attendee
“It [the Arts Access wheelchair dance program] gets people to know us as a person, to show them that we can do the same things that they can do, but we do it differently.”
Shaleena Tomassini
Arts Access Participant
“When I first saw his work, I was shocked. You feel his intensity. At first, his work was very dark – a lot of black. It was his mood, I guess. But I felt good. I got to know how my son feels.”
Delia Carmona
Mother of Arts Access participant Luis Carmona
“You were the hands and I was the instructor. You showed me that no idea was dumb, stupid or silly, and you also taught me...that there is no wrong or right answer to art.”
Robin Dudek
Arts Access participant
“In the area of artistic expression, the Arts Access Program offers opportunities [to individuals with significant disabilities] that otherwise would not exist.”
Dr. Gary E. Eddey