artist photo for Tammy Heppner

Tammy Heppner

Tammy Heppner is a versatile artist who expresses herself in a multitude of mediums. She is especially drawn to writing and painting, and her process often involves merging the two to create multidisciplinary works. Tammy has a distinctive method of painting, creating a title before she begins creating the artwork. The titles, which are often long enough to constitute as complete written works themselves, determine what canvas, shapes, colors, and techniques she employs. Many of Tammyโ€™s paintings tow the line between figuration and abstraction, with the title guiding the viewer to see the story she is looking to portray. Tammy creates from the heart, and together, her union of writing and visual art offer a glimpse into her life and love of family, friends, nature, and faith.

Tammy’s visual artwork has been featured at such venues as the Morris Museum, Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, and the Grounds for Sculpture in Hamilton, NJ. Her first book, My Favorite Things, enables the reader to see the world through her eyes. Her writing has also been featured in Writes of Passage โ€“ A Collection of Prose by Arts Access Writers.

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